MK Attack Vents V3

MK Attack Vents V3

MK Attack Universal Vents with build in Gurney Flap – The vents are made out of ultra-lightweight aerospace grade aluminium, then pressed into place – they are then finished with powder coating in satin black. The vents are adjustable, and are able to made more aggressive or less, depending on what your ventilation needs are.

The gurney flap can be used if you choose to/ need to so that you can increase downforce.

The great thing is, because of their sleek design, they can be use in a multitude of applications e.g., if you were to use them on your bonnet, they can be used with the vents facing upwards or downwards, plus they are also flexible so can bend around a contour just like the Honda Civic in the images. [Image of Civic doesn't have gurney flap].

Vents come as a pair - 2 pcs
Black Aluminium Rivets Provided

Size - 300mm x 100mm
Weight Per Item - 128g

Registered Design - M.Knight 2021©

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